Mysims: the Izumi battle

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Author's note

: This is a very old and crappy fanfiction of the "MySims" series I made back in 4th grade in spring 2013, and was probably the first fanfic I ever made. Please note that the grammar is really poor since I was younger (9 years old) when I wrote this, and looking back at it makes me feel embarrassed. God, I exactly had no idea what the hell I was thinking about when I wrote this story, and I had a crazy obsession with the anime Keroro Gunso (Sgt. Frog) and Digimon during that time, so this is probably a crossover fic. Please, read at your own risk.}}Marcus Red Sun
Betty Orange Atom
Sicky Green Music
Bob Blue Water
Umi Purple Ghost
Mimi Pink Heart
Olivia Yellow Moon
Juniper Dark Blue Bubble
Here's the story:
Once time Marcus & Betty playing football,some strange was on their planet. It's a enemy girl.Her name is Angol Mois!
Marcus: Oh no!!
Betty: *cries to her bed*
Betty,Go down from here we
having a fight!
I can't without you!
Be strong, Betty!
Now get out!
Rose Betty!
Moa you can't kill the earth for nothing!everyone can die there
Hey, shut the f**ck up!
I can do all I want!
8 seated train
And we burn her up without
First oil.
After burned,wash her with soap.
And then,shoot her and trap her in
space forever.
The end